Getting started: creating an organisation profile

Have you completed your user profile, and is your organisation not yet registered on the SAH portal? Then you can create your organisation profile using the information on this page. If your organisation already has a profile you can skip this step and join the existing profile.

Creating a new organisation profile

After you have created a user account and completed your personal information it is time to create or connect to an organisation. Are you the first person to register on behalf of your organisation? On this page we explain how you can create a new organisation. Is your organisation already on the SAH Innovation Portal? Then you can skip this step and join an existing organisation.

In order to create a new organisation profile you will first have to navigate to the ''Organisations'' section.

On this page you can create a new organisation profile. In order to add a new organisation to the Innovation Portal you click on the ''Create new organisation'' button on the organisations page. 

You will now have to provide us with your oganisation information through a web form. Be sure to enter all the required information in English, and to upload the logo of your organisation. After you have filled in the entire form you finalize the registration of your organisation by clicking the ''Save'' button at the bottom of the form.

After you have saved this form your organisation is registered in the SAH portal. By creating an organisation profile you will automatically become the main contact for the organisation you register. As the creator of an organisation profile you will not have to join it afterwards, because you are already connected to it. Your co-workers can skip the steps on this page and directly join your organisation. After connecting to the organisation they will not have the rights to edit your organisation profile. If another main contact is desired, or if you want to add extra main contacts, then the existing main contact (you) must update this in the organisation profile. 

Is your organisation part of a SmartAgriHubs entity, such as a RC or a DIH? Then you can continue by linking your organisation to this entity.

Further reading