
Potsdam International Forum – Innovation Hubs for Regional Development: Experiences, Challenges, Solutions

25 and 26 May 2023 | Postdam

The »Potsdam International Forum« brings together decision-makers and experts developing and managing science parks and innovation hubs, as well as partners from the public sector, the private sector and non-profit organizations. The two-day-event aims to foster exchange between policy makers and practitioners actively building innovation hubs and ecosystems in science parks and beyond.

Together, we will take into focus practical approaches, strategies and integrated toolkits for developing and managing innovation hubs within their particular environment. Based on shared experiences, participants will identify common or unique challenges and pinpoint solutions. We will prototype interfaces for future collaboration or joint projects to address challenges together.

The Potsdam International Forum ist organized by the Brandenburg Ministry of Finance and for European Affairs and Potsdam Science Park, Standortmanagement Golm GmbH. This event is funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Federal State of Brandenburg.

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